The second method is column-based where the data and key values are passed as individual items. 第二种方法是基于列的,其中数据和键值作为独立项目传递。
Let's explore some of the individual items in the report. 现在让我们了解一下报告中的某些个别项。
The item is expired& Individual items can have an expiration to allow them to be flushed from the cache when the information stored against the key is likely to be too old. 条目过期失效&各条目均有一个有效的期限以便针对此键存储的信息在过于陈旧时可从缓存中清除这些条目。
Because there is no schema, individual items are free to vary their attributes. 因为没有框架,个人项目可以随便变更属性。
As you will see below in Listing 16, we use a renderer to customize the data and to color individual items in cells before displaying them. 如您即将在清单16中见到的一样,我们在显示数据之前使用呈现器定制它,并为单元格中的各个项着色。
By clicking various file types listed, you can view the individual items. 通过单击列出的各种文件类型,您可以查看每一个项。
Furthermore, retailers are adopting the use of radio frequency identification ( RFID) tags to identify individual items in a store. 此外,零售商开始用射频识别标签来识别店内的商品。
The individual items can be sized according to preference. Ex: the bear's hat and present can be oversized for a visual effect. 例外:小熊的帽子和礼物为了更生动可以稍微超过一些。
You can allow users to edit individual items in the control. 可允许用户编辑控件中的单个项。
Click this link to open the item-level roles page, on which you can create, view, and modify the role definitions that are used to secure individual items. 单击此链接将打开“项级角色”页,在该页可以创建、查看和修改用于确保各项的安全性的角色定义。
This tolerance does not apply when the Credit stipulates the quantity in terms of a stated number of packing units or individual items. 但是,当信用证上规定的数量是以包装单位或个数计数时,此项增减幅度则不适用。
Usually a series of tests is made on a group of individual items and the results from each test recorded and subsequently analyzed by suitable methods. 通常对一组的每一个项目进行一系列的测试,采用合适的方法对结果进行分析。
Will there be individual items scattered around the game world that can be read or listened to for back story, or will it be in one consolidated location? 那些可以阅读的私人物品是分散在游戏的各个角落里,还是会出现在固定的地点?
Individual items or entire folders ( maintaining hierarchy) can be moved in this manner. 个别项目或整个文件夹(保持层次结构)都可以通过这种方式移动。
To avoid this, set the language information on the individual items that you want to change, or set the item with the currency data to a specific language. 要避免这种情况,可对要更改的各个报表项设置语言信息,或将包含货币数据的项设置为特定语言。
A bar chart illustrates comparisons among individual items. 条形图显示各个项目之间的对比。
Web server control is a data-bound container control that produces a list of individual items. web服务器控件是一个数据绑定容器控件,它生成各个项的列表。
Interactive data relies on computer "tags," similar in function to bar codes, which identify individual items in a company's financial disclosures. 交互式数据依赖于计算机的“标签”,类似于条形码的功能,在公司的财务披露里能够识别个别科目。
After you enable the list or library for audience targeting, you can set individual items in the list or library to be displayed to one or more audiences. 在对访问群体设定启用列表或库之后,可以将列表或库中的个别项目设置为显示给一个或多个访问群体。
These tests will be conducted to demonstrate that the individual items, as installed, meet specified performance requirements. 实施上述试验是为了证明安装的每个项目符合规定的性能要求。
Each themed vitrine of The Utopian Future of Art, Our Reality should be purchased as a whole, not in individual items. “艺术乌托邦的未来,我们的现实”以每个主题为单元整体销售,不出售组成单元的单件物品。
To sort the individual items in a group, click a field in the sort items by box that is different from the group by field that is specified. 要对组中的各个项目排序,请单击“排序依据”框中与指定“分组依据”字段不同的字段。
To specify the individual items in the list, place a listitem control for each list entry between the opening and closing tags of the bulletedlist control. 若要在该列表中指定单个项,请在bulletedlist控件的开始标记和结束标记之间为每个列表项放置一个listitem控件。
A directory cannot be inserted. Only individual items can be inserted. 无法插入整个目录,只能插入单个项目。
Tuples, like strings, are immutable: it is not possible to assign to the individual items of a tuple ( you can simulate much of the same effect with slicing and concatenation, though). 元组就像字符串,不可改变:不能给元组的一个独立的元素赋值(尽管你可以通过联接和切片来模仿)。
Individual items on a bill can be remove service charge, or full check remove service charge. 单个菜品进行免服务费,或全单免服务费。
Item information function and test information function are the reliability indexes for individual items and the whole test respectively. 其中,项目信息函数和测验信息函数分别是单个项目和整体测试的信度指标。
The weight value for individual items is fixed in database. 但现实数据库中,存在着所有项目权值会发生变化的问题。
Objective: The combination of five individual items in Modern Pentathlon has high requirements of the physical fitness, psychology and skill tactics training, the relationship among individual items are not only influencing but also contradictory. 目的:现代五项项目五个单项的组合对运动员的体能、心理和技战术训练等均具有较高的要求,在各个单项的训练中存在着既相互影响又相互矛盾的关系。
This article intends to RFID technology, RFID technology and Qt for embedded Linux system desktop development environment to study and implement this kind of intelligent monitoring system for individual items. 本文拟以RFID电子标签技术、嵌入式Linux系统技术和Qt桌面开发环境来研究和实现这种智能的个人物品监护系统。